Storing food in refrigerator
Foods maintains their quality, safety, and nutrients when they’re stored properly and used within a certain time.
In the freezer food should be stored at -18° C. The freezer temperature can be monitored with a freezer thermometer.
The refrigerator should operate at 5° C or below. Perishable food should be kept cool at 8° C.
30 percent of the cold air inside lose out when open the door. If not too many items in refrigerator, place an approximately sized closed food storage container in the empty place. When open the door, the cool air in the food storage container remains in the refrigerator.
Use a refrigerator thermometer to measure the temperature and insert a food probe into the food to measure the food temperature.
Keep the refrigerator full but not cluttered. The refrigerator should be an equal temperature in all areas. However, do not overload the refrigerator. Need enough space between food containers to ensure that air can circulate freely.
All stored foods should be wrapped or in covered container. Seal storage containers well to prevent moisture loss and absorption of off-odors. Unless the package is torn, leave food in its store wrapping.
Storing food in refrigerator