Banana for energy
Bananas are mainly used for nutritional purposes, either for fresh consumption or dried or processed to banana flour. It contains carbohydrates which are chief sources of energy. The carbohydrate content in 100 g of the edible part of fresh bananas is about 20%.
Because of its sugar and starch content the bananas is also a promising energy plant. A large size of banana contributes about 85 to 100 calories (kcal) of energy. It contains a large amount of sugar that can be easily assimilated by the body.
A dried banana flakes contain only 3% water; hence many of the nutrients including calories, are more concentrated. Each of 100g of banana flakes contains 340 calories (kcal) of energy.
The use of bananas has been found beneficial in the treatments of several medical conditions such as intestinal disorders, constipation, arthritis, gout, anemia, allergies, kidney stones, tuberculosis and urinary disorders.
Banana for energy