Production of banana chips
Banana chips are delicious, satisfying the sweet tooth as well as offering up some good nutrition.
Banana chips are prepared by drying the unripe banana slices and then frying them in edible oil. Thin sliced green banana however can be directly friendly in edibles oil without any pre drying treatment. Green banana is chosen because it holds their shape and is easier to handle than soft, ripe banana.
It is recommended banana slices of 1.5 – 2.5 mm thickness and frying temperature of 180 – 190° C and never higher than 200° C.
Many variations of banana chips exist. Chips can also be coated with sweeteners and then fried. Another variation is that chips are coated with a mixture of banana puree and sugar before frying the second time.
In Philippines, Green Saba, a cooking banana is utilized for making banana chips. After osmotic dehydration and deep frying in coconut or other oil banana chips can be air dried at room temperature or cabinet dried, to allow for moisture equilibrium.
For making natural banana chips, the osmotic dehydration step is skipped.
Banana chips can be eaten as snacks or used in homemade trail mixes, on cereal and in cooking.
Production of banana chips