Xylitol as a sweetener
Xylitol is a polyhydric alcohol having the formula C5H7(OH)5. It is presently used in chewing gum, mainly because of its noncariogenic property (it has not been found to cause tooth decay).
Xylitol’s intense and distinctive cooling effect in combination with its equal sweetness to sugar make it perfect ingredient for use in chewing gum especially sugar free chewing gums.
Xylitol is a white crystalline substance that for all purpose looks and tastes like white sugar.
It occurs naturally as a constituent of any fruits and vegetables, and is a normal intermediary product of carbohydrate metabolism in humans and in animals.
Because xylitol is slowly absorbed into blood stream and is only partially metabolized, it has a much lower caloric value about 40 percent lower than white sugar.
Commercially, it is produced by the hydrolysis of xylan (which is present to many plants), to xylose. Which is then hydrogenated to produce xylitol.
Xylitol is then purified and crystallized. Xylitol impart a sweet taste, which also appears to have a cooling effects. As it is metabolized by many organisms, it is quite stable.
Xylitol has been shown to improve breath color, retard loss of tooth enamel, reduce infections in the mouth and nasopharynx and relieve dry mouth.
Xylitol as a sweetener